Energy efficiency

Why is energy efficiency in hotels so important?

A significant saving on bills and an important initiative for the environment

Why is energy efficiency in hotels so important?

Energy efficiency, sustainability, climate change … all these concepts increasingly go hand in hand with the tourism sector; which is aware of the need to provide measures in all areas to mitigate the threat posed by climate change.

The scarcity of water, the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of tourist destinations are issues that concern a sector increasingly committed to achieving energy efficiency; this is not only beneficial for the planet, but also for its finances.

As this study by the World Tourism Organisation indicates, the tourism sector contributed to around 5% of the total CO2 emissions caused by humans in 2005. And, although the largest component was transport (75%), accommodation too left its mark, at 21%.

Therefore, what actions can be taken in the hotel sector to save energy? Here are some key points:

  1. More sustainable hotels: reducing the impact of tourism

    Some small actions, multiplied hundreds and thousands of times, can contribute very effectively to the conservation of the environment. These are some of the good practices of sustainable hotels:

    • Sustainable construction, oriented towards energy saving.
    • Consumption of renewable energy.
    • Recycling and reuse.
    • Reduction in the use of single-use products in rooms; for example, by replacing them with dispensers.
  2. Savings of up to 60% in electricity use

    There are a number of devices used to reduce energy consumption and increase convenience in hotels, such as energy savers and sensors, which turn off supplies when no presence in the room is detected. Thus, lights, heating and air conditioning can be switched off when the guest is not there; this represents a significant environmental and financial cost saving.

    At Omnitec, we work with energy-saving devices so hotels and communities can achieve savings of up to 60% in electricity use. These range from classic energy savers which hold an access card when a guest is present, to the wireless door and window motion sensors.

  3. Savings in supplies

    Energy savings are seen on the electricity bill, which is a significant expense in hotels and tourist accommodation. As well as economisers, small gestures such as replacing bulbs with LED lights, can reduce electricity use by up to 80%. Also, water management systems. can be used; for example, by installing automatic taps, which can save 50% of water usage.

  4. Alignment with 2030 Agenda SDGs

    Climate action, responsible consumption and production, sustainable cities and communities and creating job opportunities for young people. Tourism and, specifically, hotels can contribute to the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the Development Goals. One of them, climate action, fully touches the issue of energy efficiency. A reduction in energy use in hotels is also often considered part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions of hotel companies.

  5. Tourists committed to the environment

    Today’s tourists are not only more inclined to use technology, but also seek more sustainable and more environmentally friendly tourism. So they will not just accept small changes, but positively appreciate them.

    For example, guests are very responsive to messages asking them to save water by putting out only those towels that need replacing; if they can keep using them, they do.