Small Refrigerators

The best small refrigerators with glass doors

Discover the small refrigerators with glass door perfect for any space

The best small refrigerators with glass doors

Not only are they great for hotel rooms, but they are also good for offices and meeting rooms, or even for displaying specific products in commercial establishments or at events. You know what we are talking about, don’t you? Indeed, glass door mini fridges are one of the most in-demand products in the commercial, hotel and hospitality sectors.

Aware of their numerous advantages and uses, we at Omnitec have designed a wide range of minibars for hotels and hospitality and have several models of this type.

So if you are looking for a glass door mini fridge, in this post we are going to show you the best two types you can buy.

Features of a glass door mini fridge

What most characterises this type of small refrigerator? Below is a summary:

  • Immediate visibility of the contents:The main distinguishing feature of these refrigerators is their transparent glass door, giving instant visibility to its interior. This makes it easier to find food and drinks without having to open the door with the handle, which in turn helps maintain a constant temperature.
  • Interior LED lighting: Our glass door refrigerators are equipped with LED interior lighting, which guarantees durability, visibility and better presentation of the stored products.
  • Adjustable temperature: The temperature control facility also makes them very useful for keeping snacks and cans under optimal conditions.
  • Double insulated door: The double-insulated glass door also helps maintain cooling and promotes low-energy consumption.
  • Elegant design: Glass door mini fridges are notable for their modern, aesthetic designs; adding an elegant touch to any room while fulfilling their practical cooling function.

Why choose a small refrigerator with a glass door?

Given these features, there are many cases where a glass door mini fridge can be especially useful. For example:

  • Attractive product display: This application is very common in commercial areas such as shops, bars and restaurants, which display a specific product to promote it and encourage impulse buying.
  • Efficient organisation: If you don't have time to spend organising the inside of your fridge, opting for a small one with a glass door is a smart decision.
  • Style and aesthetics: If you want to give a different touch to a room, this type of small fridge can be a good decorative option.
  • Energy efficiency: The ability to always know the contents of each shelf without opening the door contributes to energy efficiency; saving on costs and energy. This is one of the reasons why they are so popular on campsites, for example.

Where to buy the best small glass fronted fridge

If you have decided you need a display refrigerator of this type, you may now be wondering where you can get one.

In the Omnitec minibar range, we have 2 steel models with glass doors with silent compressor-based cooling technology. Both are available in 3 different sizes or capacities: 35, 45 and 60 litres.

  • Minibar Elite: This latest generation, ultra-quiet compressor minibar is ideal for rooms that need a small refrigerator offering low consumption, maximum performance and, above all, convenience. It has noise insulation that ensures they are completely silent from 1 metre away. There is also its Real-Time Clock option, which lets you programme it to turn off automatically during rest hours.
  • Minibar C. Our small drinks fridge with a C compressor is especially adapted to the different needs of hotels and accommodation centres that require a powerful, fast cooling system. Additionally, as in the previous case, its glass door is customisable.

As you can see, our team is constantly trying to develop and improve products and, because of this approach, we can offer the best small glass door fridges on the market.

If you are looking for one with good features for your hotel or your company, wait no longer. Take a look at our mini fridge catalogue right now!