Success story

History and technology: the case of Hotel Casa Palacio Pilar del Toro

This Granada hotel steeped in history opted to implement Omnitec technology.

History and technology: the case of Hotel Casa Palacio Pilar del Toro

Tradition and history are not incompatible with technology, as shown by success stories such as the Hotel Casa Palacio Pilar del Toro, next to the emblematic Albaicín neighbourhood, in the heart of Granada.

“It is a charming establishment where you feel you are reliving history almost from the moment you walk through the door,” explains the hotel manager, Trinitario Betoret, who decided to install electronic locks in its 12 rooms during the pandemic in a digitalisation process together with Omnitec.

hotel casa palacio pilar del toro patio

Adding to the appeal of this renovated 17th century mansion with a central courtyard is the convenience of using a digital key, so guests need only enter a numeric code to access their rooms.

This article tells the story of the Hotel Casa Palacio Pilar del Toro and how Omnitec technology improved the guest experience in this fascinating hotel in Granada.

Omnitec Solution: Electronic locks with Gateway and integration with the PMS

The hotel wanted to streamline the check-in for visitors and improve their experience, by dispensing with physical keys.

As the manager points out, the pandemic accelerated the implementation of a technological solution they had been contemplating for some time, observing that “the relationship with the customer was heading towards to these new trends." In this modernisation process for the hotel, using cloud-based solutions and digitalisation, Betoret and his team opted to install electronic keys.

  • The solution they chose was Code Ble electronic locks with the Rent & Pass application, so guests can access their rooms directly using a unique numeric code created for each room.
  • The installation of these electronic locks on the doors of the 12 rooms was a very simple process, the manager pointed out, as it was done when there were no guests in the hotel during the pandemic.

Electronic Hotel Lock codeble

Thanks to the public and financial support of the Granada Chamber of Commerce InnoCamaras Programme, funded by the European Union, the following steps are underway and the accommodation will introduce the online Gateway, which provides connectivity for opening and remote management, as well as integration with the Avirato hotel management system (PMS).

Once the latest add-ons are installed, this will system create a numerical code that the customer receives by email after confirming a reservation. Thus, if you book online, your room will be prepared for you, you arrive at the time you like and go directly to you room without going through Reception.

hotel casa palacio pilar del toro room

What happened after the installation of the digital key?

Do customers consider having a digital key as an advantage?

“Without a doubt, the fact of not having to carry a key ring and a key, with the added fear of losing it, is a great advantage,”, the manager responds.

Although he emphasised that although hotel key rings “are not like they used to be” - they are much smaller and don´t specify the hotel names, having a digital key is a great security advantage.

We are very happy with Omnitec as a provider of this technology. It has been a true marvel: easy, direct and with advantages at difficult times. In addition, the hardware and machinery work perfectly. - Trinitario Betoret, manager of the Hotel Casa Palacio Pilar del Toro.